Woodland Hills Academy and Humanities Magnet Home
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WHA Students celebrate Unity Day and take a stand against bullying.

Our students participated in the Directing Change Screening & Award Ceremony. a filmmaking and art competition promoting suicide prevention and mental health awareness.

Everyone had fun at our staff vs. students volleyball game

WHA students won multiple awards at the prestigious Directing Change award ceremony and celebrated in style at the Biltmore Hotel.

Sounds of Ancient Mexico performers with Assistant Principal Mr. Brand
WHA Celebrates Unity Day. We want every student to feel safe and be free from bullying.

WHA Staff on Halloween

Hispanic Art Contest Winner

WHA Staff display their college pride

College Day at WHA

WHA is a College Prep Middle School

WHA is a College Prep Middle School

WHA is a College Prep Middle School

WHA Tree of Gratitude
Future Wolves: All About WHA
Recent News

WHA Parent Conference Night
WHA Parent Conference Night is on March 13th 5:30 - 7:00 PM. We look forward to seeing you there!

WHA Drama Presents: Shrek Jr. - The Musical
Show dates: Friday, May 2nd 7:00 PM, Saturday, May 3rd 6:00 PM and Sunday, May 4th 12:00 PM

Upcoming Events
Staff PD
Time: 2 PM – 3:01 PM
Staff meeting
Time: 3 PM – 4 PM
Earthquake/Fire Drill
Time: 9 AM – 9:21 AM
Staff PD
Time: 2 PM – 3:01 PM
Staff PD
Time: 2 PM – 3:01 PM